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Work Based Learning


Students will work to pursue career-specific Work Based Learning Experiences as well as job sampling that will allow him to further explore what type of professional environment he works best in.  Another goal in the area of job training is to work with the students on pursuing a part-time job outside of school if appropriate.  This requires research, support, interview prep, resume building etc.

WBL is a supervised, in-depth learning experience aligned to the NJ Student Learning Standards that are designed to assist students to more fully explore career possibilities, develop employability skills and ease the transition between school and employment.

Students who participate in the WBL have access to various jobs in a multitude of career fields. Worksites range from general job training to career specific opportunities. Sites include, but are not limited to grocery stores, restaurants, hair salons, barber shops, video production companies, art galleries, elder care facilities, telecommunication companies, hospital work, retail opportunities, county parks, dentist offices, and much more.   

OSHA Safety Training
All students who participate in WBL receive OSHA safety training that covers topics such as proper PPE, hour restrictions, employer rights, and other training topics on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of safety and health hazards in the workplace.

Lessons in Professionalism
Students who participate in WBL receive lessons in professionalism that include time management, goal setting, scheduling, self-advocacy, role playing scenarios such as interviews, as well as other topics pertinent to entering the workforce.

For more information, contact Stacey Amato, WBL Coordinator at 732-946-4771 x301 or